Connect to Leads Faster and More Effectively with ClientTether

With the technology of ClientTether, we can help small businesses connect with leads right away.

Every startup is different, which is what makes this space so appealing — every story is different, every idea is unique, and there are millions of informational tidbits that are both interesting and beneficial. Even as each company forms its own independent place in the world, there are certain processes that many companies share. One of these processes is automation, taking something that is painstaking, time-consuming, and generally ineffective, then flipping the script. Many successful startups have ridden this recipe to high-up places, finding a specific area and then designing a platform that automates one specific process.

Mitch Labrum, Co-Founder and CEO of Spanish Fork-based ClientTether, cut his online marketing chops over the course of 10+ years carrying various titles with and OrangeSoda. As every startup’s story begins, he recognized a problem and began trying to create a solution.

“My business partner founded Five Star Painting and he utilized a process to help him follow up with leads and stay in touch with clients,” Labrum said. “His main idea was just to be able to use it for his new painting company, to cycle through his existing clientele, get repeat business from them and check in to see if they have any referrals for him. So we got together, and I talked about this huge gap in online marketing, at OrangeSoda I saw it over and over again. We’d send continuous and good quality leads to small businesses and a lot of the time they wouldn’t follow up with them.”

Maximizing online leads for your business is painstaking, time-consuming, and generally ineffective. ClientTether is seeking to change this by automating the process of contacting and converting leads. Instead of waiting around waiting for leads to come in (and potentially missing them in the process), ClientTether’s platform connects you instantly with a lead (via text messages, phone calls, and emails), and then allows you to schedule communication down the road according to preference.

“A lot of people didn’t have their business in a place that would allow them to follow up with those leads in an orderly fashion,” Labrum said. “With the technology of ClientTether, we can help small businesses connect with leads right away.”

As any startup who has gone through infancy knows, you have to walk before you can run. ClientTether beta-tested at the tail end of 2014, then followed that up with a debut at The Big Business and Technology Expo at UVU to good reviews.

“We were invited to part of the Tech10, basically 10 up-and-coming technology companies advance and compete against each other,” Labrum said. “We came away with an award for best business model development for a startup and that started to give us a little traction.”

ClientTether is in the process of raising a friends/family seed round, with plans to concentrate on the VC community further down the round. The immediate future? Keep plugging away, knowing that the road to startup success is lined by hard work, long hours, and automated solutions.

Published 7/23/2015