Crypto Chapter

This article was published in the "Feature Section" of the Summit 2021 issue

Crypto has emerged in recent years as one of the great technologies of our time with the most promise.

We believe, like you, that Utah is one of the most business friendly, technology forward, great quality of life places to start, grow and build in crypto. To that end, we want to get the Utah crypto node fully functional by organizing the Crypto Silicon Slopes Chapter.

What does the new protocol look like?

We plan to organize routine gatherings during the year with a variety of support and services for entrepreneurs and talent looking for community. Let’s face it, any unknown frontier is a tough expedition, and we want to be there for you.

We want to know people who are ambitious and big hearted that we can include in events. Like the best projects in crypto, we want this to be a community effort, so please reach out, get involved and help us make Utah the best place in the country to build in crypto.

Jared Hutching, reciting an elaborate self-written poem about crypto from memory
Welcoming remarks at the chapter kick-off event by Boston McClary
In partnership with Crypto Slopes, we had a golf tournament at Thanksgiving Point. Lunch was provided and raffled off $2.5k all in bitcoin!
We had a great turn out! We had a great diversity from developers, miners, purists, to people holding on to a few Doge.

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*Read the latest issue of Silicon Slopes Magazine, Summit 2021