$25 Million Gift Kickstarts Funding for Scott M. Smith Engineering and Technology Building

Scott M. Smith and his wife, Karen Smith, announced a $25 million gift to help fund Utah Valley University's (UVU) new engineering building.

This donation from the Smiths will jump-start the private fundraising campaign for the 180,000 square-foot, five-story building that will solve a critical need for more lab space, classrooms, and conference rooms within UVU's College of Engineering and Technology, according to the press release. The building will be named the Scott M. Smith Engineering and Technology Building.

UVU offers a variety of engineering programs, including civil, computer, electrical, mechanical, and software. Graduates from these programs are "filling the demand created by technology companies in Utah County's Silicon Slopes."

"We want to give back in a way that will make an impact, honor my profession, and make Utah County a better place to live. We found the perfect match with UVU," says Smith in the press release.

Additionally, Astrid S. Tuminez, Ph.D., President of Utah Valley University, shared the following:

"We now celebrate Scott and Karen Smith and their visionary gift...their generosity will benefit thousands of students — many yet to be born. They will change peoples’ lives and help fill a critical need to increase the number of engineers in Utah now and in the future.”