Lumio: Bringing Innovation, Speed, and Customer Delight to the Solar Industry

Written by Sarah Hebertson

Atlantic Key Energy, Deca, Lift Energy, Our World Energy, and Smart Energy Today – five powerhouse residential solar providers across the U.S. – have come together to create Lumio – a solar company that has the goal to combine innovation, speed, and customer delight into the solar installation industry.

Jonathan Gibbs, co-founder of Lumio, states that combining five existing, successful, local solar companies helps Lumio “get the benefits of being a bigger company while still satisfying the needs of a local marketplace. Lumio is really built from the town, up.” Customers can contact a local agent at Lumio and know that the employee helping them has access to multiple nationwide resources. Lumio is able to provide service that is more convenient and cheaper to its employees due to being a large company with local resources.

Lumio strives to elevate the customer experience and provide customers with exceptional service; Lumio can install solar panels for their customers, on average, in less than 30 days. Interest in the home improvement industry is rising rapidly, and Lumio strives to use technology and software to improve the experience of selling and buying solar with efficient customer service.

“We believe there’s a building category in the market that hasn’t been defined yet,” Jonathan explained. Most home improvement companies only operate within 30-40 miles of their office, but Lumio strives to revolutionize the home improvement industry by serving customers all across the country.

Lumio also has a strong desire to build knowledge and relationships in the local Silicon Slopes community. Lumio is rolling out an online university, so Lumio employees and customers can learn from one another. Right now, this online university is hosted in a private group, and different members of the online university take turns teaching one another about their employment opportunities and experiences.

This online university helps everyone in the community access higher levels of leadership and knowledge, helping individuals grow alongside the technology and software market. Lumio wants to show the world what an internal community can do to foster co-creation and co-publishing as an experience. Jonathan states that, “People are learning best when they are teaching. [Lumio lets] the average person in the company co-publish and co-create with us.”

After Jonathan and his wife moved from Washington to Utah, Jonathan decided that Lumio needed to provide a more inclusive work environment where women and men would be equally encouraged to pursue a career. Lumio offers careers equally to women and men, helping these individuals achieve their career goals.Lumio is excited to create a more modernized approach to solar-powering homes while helping customers learn from one another in an online university. To learn more, visit