Save Halloween With Pumpkins and Labworks

If you’re wondering what in the world Halloween is going to look like this year, you’re not alone. In Utah, we love our trick-or-treat tradition, but Covid has definitely put a damper on festivities. We’ve got an idea that can save Halloween, and it’s coming from an unlikely source.

Labworks, a leader in the Laboratory Information Management software industry, is a Utah based business that encourages creativity in their employees. As part of their 10% initiative, they ask that employees spend 10% of their time working on projects that stretch their imaginations and stimulate their minds. Out of this initiative comes innovative ideas like the Pumpkins App.

Pumpkins brings a safe, socially distanced, no contact way for your kids to trick-or-treat this year. Simply download the app and use it to see participating “Pumpkins” houses. Head to the house, scan the code, and redeem points for candy treats, healthy options, or even a donation to a charity or school.

“Our people have come up with some really interesting ideas throughout the years, and I think this one is great,”  says Labworks CEO Lane Franks. “The charity aspect of it is especially neat- it's a combination of doing good while still being able to trick-or-treat in a pandemic.”

It’s not exactly customary for a laboratory software company to create apps for trick-or-treating, but it’s a testament to how Labworks is caring for their employees. We all need an outlet, and this one just might save Covid-Halloween.
To see a video about how Pumpkins works, click here. To learn more about Labworks, visit their website