Ogden-based WhiteClouds Acquires Sandboxr

This partnership strengthens WhiteClouds positioning as the most comprehensive and innovative 3D printing Cloud provider today.”

People, we have an acquisition monster on our hands. It resides in Ogden, Utah and it’s gobbling up all the 3D printing companies it can, growing bigger and stronger with each tasty meal.

First, at the beginning of this year, WhiteClouds acquired 3DplusMe and we all said, “Wow, this is a great union and will surely signal to the world they’re serious about being the largest full-color 3D print service provider on earth.”

Then, at the beginning of this month, WhiteClouds announced the acquisition of Sandboxr (known as the leading 3D printer/software developer of video game collectibles) and we all grabbed our heads and said, “Holy cow, there’s an acquisition monster in our midst and it is incredibly serious about being known as the premier full-color 3D print service provider in the entire galaxy.”

“As one of the most recognizable names in 3D printing technology today, Sandboxr will be a tremendous asset to WhiteClouds,” Jerry Ropelato, CEO of WhiteClouds, said in a statement. “Through groundbreaking solutions and dedication to redefining 3D printing as we know it, this partnership strengthens WhiteClouds positioning as the most comprehensive and innovative 3D printing Cloud provider today.”