Mutual: A Swiping Success
Bob Carroll is the CEO and Co-Founder of Mutual - an app that was launched in April 2016 to help individuals safely find someone online with similar values to take on a date based on geographical area. Mutual has grown to include Mutual dates as well - a program where couples can find date ideas near them. Hear Bob share his team’s secrets to launching a successful app through experimentation and working together in a small team, as well as some of the success stories from mutual couples.
Mutual: A Swiping Success - Conversations - Silicon Slopes TV
Bob Carroll is the CEO and Co-Founder of Mutual - an app that was launched in April 2016 to help individuals safely find someone online with similar values to take on a date based on geographical area. Mutual has grown to include Mutual dates as well - a program where couples can find date ideas ...
Silicon Slopes Conversations: Mutual: A Swiping Success on Apple Podcasts
Show Silicon Slopes Conversations, Ep Mutual: A Swiping Success - May 6, 2022