Through AI, Findd Looks To Enhance Employee Productivity

There’s a broad category of tasks that computers are starting to solve.

It’s time to get yourself an insurance policy with a robot plan.

On March 23, Findd announced the launch of its software business that will focus on artificial intelligence. So hide your medicine, old people. The robots are coming. Just kidding. The purpose of Findd’s initial AI efforts is to enhance employee productivity. Then they’ll create killer robots. Just kidding again. But Findd will kill something: the mundane tasks employers and employees dread.

The first step is facial recognition and location technology for mobile workers. Currently most mobile employees use inaccurate or inefficient means to track hours. With Findd, these employees can use their phone to access facial recognition technology and time their work. “The more mundane things we can remove for the employee to do, the more we can focus on creative tasks,” says Tom Loveland, co-founder of Findd. Loveland explains that computers are doing things that society once thought only humans could do. “There’s a broad category of tasks that computers are starting to solve,” Loveland explains. These machines solve problems like a human brain would solve a problem using a learning algorithm.

Loveland and his cofounder Ryan Johnson are well connected in the Utah tech scene and have already received a great deal of interest in their forthcoming product. Both founders have a history in business development, and share a passion for technology and innovation. “I have a passion for disruptive innovation that can only come from startups,” Loveland says. “If you want leading edge technology, you need startups.”

Loveland and Johnson face a unique challenge with their startup in convincing users that their technology is not scary and that the elderly and their medications are safe. “There’s always resistance to disruptive technology,” Loveland says. “At some point people learn to adapt.” It’s a pattern all technology innovation has followed. Technology hits the market, early adopters embrace it, and it eventually becomes commonplace.

“You always have to calm nerves,” Loveland says, explaining that it helps to explain technology with precedence and examples of what people are already doing. For example, facial recognition is done all the time by people every day. Findd is simply automating the process. “Is there risk? Absolutely. Is there a bit of a learn? Yes,” Loveland says. “There are always risks associated with new technology.” But, as Loveland explains, the risks are no greater than many daily activities, and the new technology has many more benefits. “Right now we’re talking about baby steps,” he adds.

Findd has big plans for the future, including its product launch in the next few months. The product will use innovative technology to solve major pain points for employees. “We have practical solutions that can fit into everyday problems,” Loveland says. “We hope to do some very exciting things in the future.” I just hope they’ll let us know when it’s time to contact our Old Glory agents.

Published 4/7/2016