This article was published in the Spring 2021 issue
by Emily Fonnesbeck, Editor-in-Chief, Silicon Slopes Magazine
The grind. The GRIND. If you’ve ever started a business or if you’ve even considered it, you know what “the grind” means. Long days, long weeks, and longer months of slogging through the hard things until finally finally, you breakthrough. The first years of startup bring the highest highs and the lowest lows. There’s a reason that so many entrepreneurs say those years are the most lonely, isolating, and difficult- sometimes feeling that no one understands the stress. We’re here to tell you- you’re not alone.
It’s finally Spring, after what has felt a bit like a 12-month Winter. We’ve all changed, and although the economy was wobbly, startups have actually pivoted to come out strong. Utah is a special sort of oven that has baked up some hugely successful companies, and this issue highlights a few that have learned some things along the way. These founders were dreamers who wouldn’t quit, and although they’ve seen their share of hard days, they’ve also been able to fist pump some major success.
When you talk to a first-time founder, they’ve got a lot of questions. How do I do this? Where do I get the funding? How do I turn this 5 to 9 after-work and all weekend gig into a real and successful business? How do I scale this thing? This issue answers your questions, and it provides hope to startups in the beginning slog.
Julia Child said, “I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate.”
If you find yourself in the “eating” phase of your startup journey, this issue is for you. If you’ve just begun the “cooking” phase, it’s for you too. And if you’re in the “professional chef” phase, we’ve got something to offer you as well.
So pull up a chair, you’re welcome at our table.

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*Read the latest issue of Silicon Slopes Magazine, Spring 2021