“This is an effort to ensure that women are given equal opportunities to compete for jobs because increasing gender equality in the workplace drives innovation, creates a contagious culture, and both these things positively impact our clients.”

The ParityPledge is a simple way for companies to show they care about equality in the workplace — an initiative based upon the NFL’s Rooney Rule, where CEOs and their organizations commit to including at least one qualified female candidate in the interview process for any open position of vice president or above.
As many of you know, we have challenged every Silicon Slopes company to sign the ParityPledge before Silicon Slopes Tech Summit on January 18–20.
Workfront has accepted the ParityPledge as part of a continued focus on creating a more inclusive workplace. This comes on the heels of multiple initiatives Workfront has undertaken to do just that: signing the ElevateHER Challenge from the Women’s Leadership Institute; reworking maternity and paternity policies, 12 weeks of paid leave for women, 3 weeks for men; and supporting and sponsoring organizations like Lean In and Women In Tech.
“According to statistics, women comprise over half of the population, but only a quarter make up executive and senior-level management positions, and only 5% of women are CEOs,” said Laura Butler, SVP of People and Culture at Workfront. “These are stark statistics, but it is important to understand that this isn’t just about meeting quotas, or simply hiring someone because of their gender. This is an effort to ensure that women are given equal opportunities to compete for jobs because increasing gender equality in the workplace drives innovation, creates a contagious culture, and both these things positively impact our clients. For nearly six months we have had a policy in place that focuses on ensuring women are interviewed for every open position and we are really seeing positive change within our company because of it.”
The full list of Silicon Slopes companies that have accepted the ParityPledge will be announced at Tech Summit. Join Workfront, sign the pledge, and let’s get the ball rolling on this thing.