This article was published in the Summer 2021 issue
by Emily Fonnesbeck, Editor-In-Chief, Silicon Slopes Magazine
A few weeks ago I spoke with someone who said something like, “They’re making us go back to the office July 1st, I’m really bummed.” The next day, I spoke with someone who said, “We’re back in the office July 6th, I am so relieved.”
For many, the changes in their work situation over the past year or so have been a challenge, while for others it’s been a welcome shift. A lot of this has to do with the type of work, home-office setup, and childcare situations. I know that having my kids in the background was certainly not ideal, but I have found that when I’m in the middle of a Zoom call and one of my kids bursts in, the person on the other end is sympathetic, and my apologies are often met with “My kids too.”
It’s been a chance to realize that some have less than ideal internet connections, some of us have raucous kids, and some of us are relegated to the couch with our laptops, trying to get work done with no office in sight.
Looking back at where we were this time last year, a lot has changed for the better. At Silicon Slopes we’ve been able to hold a few events with some in-person aspects to go along with the virtual option. We were thrilled to help bring back StartFEST, and with that the pitch competition StartMadness. The team at Pelion chose two winners, Krado and, whom we’ve introduced in this issue.
Coming in October we’ll hold Silicon Slopes Summit, one of the largest and most prominent annual tech events in the world. We’ll have excellent keynotes, diverse breakout sessions, and most of all, lots of people to talk to and network with. There’s nothing quite like Summit, and we hope you’ll join us.
I think we can all agree we’ve learned a lot about ourselves this year. How and when we’re most productive, what really brings us joy, and what causes us frustration. When reading this issue, you’ll notice a bit of a “lessons learned” theme coming through. As people, we naturally want to share our experiences, so whether you’re starting out or making an exit, take note when you read. More than anything, we’re glad you’re here with us. Together is truly better.

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*Read the latest issue of Silicon Slopes Magazine, Summer 2021