Letting the Light In, One Home at a Time

100 million homes in the United States would save money from installing solar panels, and yet, only 4 million homes currently use solar panels. Ben Peterson, CEO, and his team at Blue Raven Solar are passionate about helping customers make the switch to solar. Listen to hear about how Ben and his team are creating a healthier way to consume energy and about Blue Raven Solar’s recent acquisition by Sun Power Corp. in 2021.

Letting the Light In, One Home at a Time - Conversations - Silicon Slopes TV
100 million homes in the United States would save money from installing solar panels, and yet, only 4 million homes currently use solar panels. Ben Peterson, CEO, and his team at Blue Raven Solar are passionate about helping customers make the switch to solar. Listen to hear about how Ben and his...
‎Silicon Slopes Conversations: Letting the Light In, One Home at a Time on Apple Podcasts
‎Show Silicon Slopes Conversations, Ep Letting the Light In, One Home at a Time - Jun 6, 2022
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