Silicon Slopes Marketing Chapter

This article was published in the Spring 2022

The Silicon Slopes Marketing Chapter is back in action. With new Chapter Chair Pete Larkin, we’re busy with events and opportunities for Chapter members.

The Marketing Chapter has been meeting every month for what we call “Lunch and Learn” events. These are in-person events featuring free lunch provided by local sponsors, networking time, and keynote presentations given by veteran marketing pros.

Our list of presenters has included Nate Randal (CEO, Gabb Wireless), James Carbary (Founder, Sweet Fish Media), Ethan Beute (Chief Evangelist, BombBomb), Kortney Osborne (Founder of Omu and Previous VP of Marketing at Weave), Ardyce Taylor (Head of Performance Marketing, FileVine), and John Huntinghouse (VP of Marketing, Tab Bank).

While the presentations and lessons shared have been incredible, the real power and value in the Chapter comes from its members: the networking, the community support, the camaraderie, and the sense of belonging.

No one should ever feel like a Lone Ranger, even if they are the only marketing professional in their company.

This has been, and always will be, the goal for the Silicon Slopes Marketing Chapter—to provide the marketing community in Utah with a place to learn, grow, and find belonging.

If you are a marketer in Utah, we invite you to come to our monthly meet-ups and to join us for this month’s Lunch & Learn event.

You can officially join the community at or register for our next event at

You can also find us on LinkedIn or join our newly formed Slack channel here:

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*Read the latest issue of Silicon Slopes Magazine, Spring 2022Read Silicon Slopes Latest Spring 2022 Magazine
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