eFileCabinet: Waging a War on Paper

People need access to their data around the clock and that’s where we come in.

There are plenty of reasons to dislike paper. It cuts you in the most painful of ways, which makes no sense when you consider a piece of paper weighs nothing yet packs the slicing capabilities of a steak knife. It is painstakingly hard to keep organized, as anybody who has perused through file cabinets searching for a document can attest. Paper is outdated in the same way video cassettes are — they both were great ideas when originally created, but much more advanced solutions have arrived to replace them.

eFileCabinet also dislikes paper. Their document management software was designed to eliminate the need for paper — no more paper cuts, no more disorganized heaps, just everything stored and organized in one easy-to-use solution.

“Our software is sold in the SMB (small/medium business) space as a way for folks to manage all their files and documents,” CEO Matt Peterson told Beehive Startups in a recent interview. “All their information is stored in one simple spot and managed and shared as needed based on roles. People that weren’t considering this years ago, are now. They want to go paperless and digital and that’s really helped drive the market.”

Since 2001, eFileCabinet has been waging war on the endless stacks of paper cluttering the office, providing an alternative for storing, sharing, routing, and searching for documents. Instead of searching for days trying to find specific pieces of paper, the process of accessing and sharing your company’s files is easy, intuitive, and doesn’t involve any actual paper.

“When you take a vacation, you’re separating yourself from your business,” Peterson said. “Small business owners these days can’t do that. What we provide for them is a tether, an umbilical cord back to the office because their data is what sustains them. We allow companies to expand the way they engage with customers, which is based on information.”

If you’re wondering who is winning the war between paper and paperless document management solutions, eFileCabinet’s recent Series B funding round ($14 million from Allegis Capital and Signal Peak Ventures) should give you a definitive answer. Not enough for you? Maybe you should go ask one of the 12,000 customers serviced by eFileCabinet what they think of the paper vs paperless debate.

“Our top five vertical markets are accounting, financial services, insurance, medical, and small government,” Peterson said. “But what we’re seeing now is an adoption rate across all vertical markets, it’s even surprising to us.”

The further we delve into a tech-infused world, the more prominent paperless solutions become. People don’t want to find and fax documents — that’s too old-school, and not in a cool way. What people want is all their files stored in one place, easily shareable, with a zero percent chance of receiving a papercut. That’s why more and more people are choosing eFileCabinet.

“Is it fast, is it easy, and is it always on?” Peterson said. “Those are the things we go to great lengths explaining to people how our solution will help them. People need access to their data around the clock and that’s where we come in.”

Published 6/29/2015

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