CHG Healthcare Recognized on Parity.Org's 2023 Best Companies for Women to Advance List

CHG Healthcare has been recognized by as one of the Best Companies for Women to Advance in 2023. The ParityLIST program identifies organizations that foster an environment where women can thrive and progress. Companies are evaluated based on criteria such as recruitment, promotion, compensation practices, employee benefits, policies, and representation of women in leadership roles.

Dina Schenk, the president of Parity.Org, acknowledged the importance of addressing gender inequities and praised the companies on this year's ParityLIST for their commitment to innovation and creating equal opportunities for all employees. CHG Healthcare stands out with several noteworthy statistics: women earn 100.24% compared to men on average, women constitute 60% of the workforce, and over 50% of leaders identify as women.

Kerry Norman, the executive vice president of people and operations at CHG, explained the deliberate efforts made by the company to achieve gender parity. They discovered that women at CHG tended to have longer tenures and grow within the organization, while men often advanced their careers by switching companies. To ensure equal opportunities, CHG aimed to position internally-advanced women on par with their externally-hired male counterparts.

Norman also highlighted a compensation adjustment made for digital and engineering roles, where new hires were earning higher wages than experienced team members. CHG shares various policies and practices with other recognized companies, including monitoring gender ratios in recruitment, promotions, and attrition rates, implementing pay equity plans, providing lactation rooms, offering flexible working arrangements and equal family leave, and regularly reporting on gender representation and equity to the executive team.

Additionally, CHG maintains a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and ensures a safe reporting system that protects employees reporting incidents of discrimination and harassment from any form of punishment. Overall, CHG Healthcare's inclusion in the ParityLIST reflects its commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for women to advance in their careers.

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