Pattern Earns Coveted Spot on Newsweek's Top 100 Global Most Loved Workplaces List

Silicon Slopes-based Pattern, a global leader in ecommerce acceleration, has been recognized as one of the Top 100 Global Most Loved Workplaces by Newsweek. The list, curated in collaboration with Best Practice Institute (BPI), aims to honor companies that prioritize employee well-being and foster a positive work environment.

The 2023 Global Top 100 Most Loved Workplaces® marks the latest edition of this joint initiative between Newsweek and BPI. The selection process focused on measuring employee sentiment in five crucial areas: optimism about future prospects within the company, career advancement opportunities, alignment of employer values with employee values, respect across all levels, and the level of collaboration within the organization. Factors like equity, belonging, career development, and company leadership were also assessed in relation to the five core areas.

David Wright, Pattern Co-Founder and CEO, said, “Business is truly a team sport, and our team performs best when they feel valued, have opportunities to make a big impact, and work alongside the best talent in the world. We are honored by the recognition. It’s a reflection of the unsung heroes at our company who are creating an incredible workplace where people are accelerated to do the best work of their careers.”

More than two million employees from diverse-sized businesses (ranging from 30 to over 10,000 employees) were surveyed to determine the rankings for the 2023 list. The evaluation process involved a multifaceted approach: 35 percent of the initial score was based on responses to BPI's proprietary Love of Workplace survey, 25 percent derived from analysis of external public ratings from platforms like Comparably, Careerbliss, Glassdoor, Indeed, and Google, and the final 40 percent resulted from direct interviews and written responses from company officials. Newsweek further conducted in-depth research on each company, as well as the top runners-up, to finalize the Top 100 Global Most Loved Workplaces rankings.

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