Creating a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) has historically taken tons of time, money, and personnel. Assure, founded by Jeremy and Katie Neilson, uses technology to significantly simply this process. Created in 2012, Assure uses technology to offer banking, taxes, legal counsel, and other needed documents or services through their company’s website and specialized platform, Glassboard. Glassboard facilitates the formation and management of an SPV at a significantly lower cost than is typical. Through this site investors can set up, monitor, and manage the life cycle of an SPV with ease.
Within the first 6 months of creating Assure, the company had created over 60 entities. According to the Neilsons, the SPV revolution is just beginning as investors discover how easy it is to form and monitor an SPV using their fintech. Currently, the company has around 2,300 accredited investors in their system; however, with 23 million accredited investors currently listed in the U.S. alone, they foresee that number growing substantially within the next few years. In the last 10 years, the company has assisted in forming over 8,500 entities or vehicles, totaling in over $11 billion in funding. Tune in to hear Jeremy and Katie discuss the idea behind Assures creation, their incredible founding journey, and their plans for the future.