M&P Ep. 127: Brett Brumley, Founder & CEO of Lender Toolkit

Brett Brumley, CEO and Founder of Lender Toolkit, has been into mortgages his whole life. He feels it’s in his DNA because his mother has worked in this industry for over 40 years; some of his earliest memories include hanging around Wells Fargo and America’s First Credit Union. In this episode, Brett explains how Lender Toolkit came to be and its vision of investing in technology that allows its customers to do better.

Making Mortgages Simple with Lender Toolkit - Meat & Potatoes Podcast - Silicon Slopes TV
Brett Brumley, CEO and Founder of Lender Toolkit, has been into mortgages his whole life. He feels it’s in his DNA because his mother has worked in this industry for over 40 years; some of his earliest memories include hanging around Wells Fargo and America’s First Credit Union. In this episode, ...
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