M&P Ep. 118: Emily Bell McCormick, Founder of The Policy Project & Kristin Andrus, Community Champion

7 out of 10 girls miss school because they don’t have access to period products; this is just one of the barriers The Policy Project is trying to remove. Emily Bell McCormick, Founder, and Kristin Andrus, Community Champion, talk about how The Policy Project raises public awareness and collaborates with local leaders to provide free menstrual products in schools for young girls. Listen to how you can help an individual not have to choose between a period product and their next meal.

Removing Barriers to Opportunities with The Policy Project - Meat & Potatoes Podcast - Silicon Slopes TV
7 out of 10 girls miss school because they don’t have access to period products; this is just one of the barriers The Policy Project is trying to remove. Emily Bell McCormick, Founder, and Kristin Andrus, Community Champion, talk about how The Policy Project raises public awareness and collaborat...
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