How To Submit Your Update To Our Weekly Newsletter

Silicon Slopes sends two different newsletters to our subscriber list every week. On Mondays, we send a newsletter that showcases all of the events happening within Utah’s startup community. On Wednesdays, we send a newsletter that showcases all of the different news, features, and other stories that have been written about Utah’s startup community over the past seven days.

The Monday weekly newsletter is a community-driven effort to keep up-to-date on general announcements and all of the events happening within Utah’s startup and tech community.

To have your update/event included in the Monday weekly newsletter here’s what we’ll need:

  • Title of announcement/event
  • 750×300 image
  • Two paragraph description (no more!)
  • Registration link (if it’s an event)

Please email these assets to Chris Rawle at

See below for an example newsletter post.

Beehive Startups is proud to present a very special Startup Conversation this month featuring the founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media, and Silicon Valley legend Tim O’Reilly. The event will be held on Jan. 29th at The Leonardo in Salt Lake City at 7:00pm. It’s free to attend, and great food and drinks will be provided. Tickets will go fast, so you’ll want to register as quickly as possible. This is happening on a Friday evening, which makes this the perfect date night.

Founded by Beehive Startups, the Startup Conversation Series brings Utah’s startup community together once a month to participate in a casual conversation between prominent entrepreneurs to educate and inspire, as well as learn about their successes, failures, and the founding stories behind their companies.

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