Silicon Slopes relaunches its Hall of Fame gala, while also kickstarting an annual statewide, cross-industry awards recognition program to identify and applaud the top places, services, products, people and companies of the year
Utah's people, products, services, companies, and places can now be recognized as the top state-wide performers for 2021 by Silicon Slopes in a new awards program launched by the state's leading nonprofit focused on the business community of Utah.
Winning organizations and individuals will be feted at the Hall of Fame Awards program held February 24, 2022 in Salt Lake City during a one-of-a-kind black tie and sneakers awards gala.
Additional details can be found online at
Relaunching the Silicon Slopes Hall of Fame and Combining it with an Annual, Statewide Awards Program
The new Silicon Slopes Hall of Fame Awards program will feature both the best of the best from 2021, while also serving as a return to the past with the rebirth of the Hall of Fame program.
Launched in 1999 by the then Utah Technology Council, the Silicon Slopes Hall of Fame identifies and applauds the technology pioneers and breakthrough leaders who have contributed to the ongoing and growing success of Utah and Silicon Slopes.

In the more than 20-year history, dozens of individuals have been inducted into the Silicon Slopes Hall of Fame, ranging from such people as Alan Ashton and Bruce Bastian to Gretchen McClain and Fred Lampropoulos.
At the festivities in February, several industry leaders will be inducted by Silicon Slopes into its Hall of Fame.
Conversely, winners of the 2021 Silicon Slopes Hall of Fame Awards will be selected in two primary categories (Company Awards and Individual Awards) across a total of 18 separate subcategories:
Company Awards
- Advertising 2021
- Branding 2021
- Physical Product 2021
- Software 2021
- Spaces & Places 2021
- Health & Wellness 2021
- Media & Entertainment 2021
Individual Awards
- CEO of the Year 2021
- CFO of the Year 2021
- COO of the Year 2021
- CMO of the Year 2021
- CRO of the Year 2021
- Chief Product Officer of the Year 2021
- CXO of the Year 2021
- CTO of the Year 2021
- CIO of the Year 2021
- Chief People Officer of the Year 2021
- Intern of the Year 2021
Utahns and friends of Utah everywhere are invited to submit their recommendations to Silicon Slopes on who/what they believe qualify as the top people, products, services, companies, and places of 2021.
There is zero cost to make a recommendation, multiple recommendations can be made by anyone, and recommendations can be made by clicking on one or more of the hotlinks in the lists above.
Individuals and organizations interested in applying for consideration for the respective awards complete a simple form a pay a one-time fee to apply for each award. {NOTE: Discounted application fees are available for those interested in submitting three or more applications.}
Applications received will be reviewed by members of the Silicon Slopes team, with independent, third-party verification of each application provided by Pleasant Grove, Utah-based Best Company, a business-to-business, Software-as-a-Service consumer reviews platform.
Finalists for each award will be notified by email on January 28, 2022.
Additional details about the Silicon Slopes Hall of Fame Awards program will be released in the weeks and months ahead.
NOTE: Zions Bank is the Presenting Sponsor for the Silicon Slopes Hall of Fame Awards program. Individuals and organizations interested in becoming a Hall of Fame Awards sponsor should visit this link.